Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Illegal Building Sins (or not) Part 2 - Or maybe about just having a good whinge

"A Soldier's Mother" wrote

"I'm thinking it's a shame to dedicate a whole blog that is searchable to the negativity of building in 1 city for a problem that is very common in Israel. We need, as residents of Maale Adumim, to propagate the Internet with positive information about our city, rather than complaints that feed others. Just imagine how this blog could be used by our enemies."

Well, one of the wonderful things about blogs and the internet, is that no one can dictate what one can or can't write about.
If I didn't like living in Maale Adumim, I would be building elswhere, but why the hell shouldn't people be aware of the lack of accountability in some sections of the city administration? If the city were really concerned that this blog could be used by "our enemies" then maybe they would respond? The truth is that they really don't care about this. If I would be criticising building in E1 on the other hand, which of course I would never do, then I would agree with your point. And maybe then we would get some outside opinions. And so what!

"A Soldier's Mother" also wrote

"Not sure why MY advertisement for an apartment on Rechov Gilgal justified apparently launching a blog with your comments compared to all the others looking to rent out apartments for years already.I can tell you that the apartment I want to rent has been in existence for 5 years, is 60 meters in size, no slum at all, is in beautiful condition and unlikely to damage the neighborhood." and "From a city planning poing of view, I was told that I could build a house with a separate area, including an entrance and it was permissible as a parent/child set up."

Well considering that I never mentioned you or your advertisement in my first post, but that you jumped in with your opinion all by yourself, I reckon thats a self inflicted injury. And why should you think its about you anyway. As you said, you are a symptom of any number of people who have done the same thing. You still won't say who in the city planning department said that you could build a separate entrance and rent out an apartment.

Really!! this blog is not about you at all. Maybe you are protesting too much?

This blog is my own, biased and unadulterated opinion about whichever issues strike my fancy (and you can strike my fancy anytime).

Truth is, I could write about how beautiful Maale Adumim is, that would be easy. Lets all sweep the dirt under the carpet right? WRONG!
I have voted consistently for our incumbent, and by consistently, I mean for him and his list and have not, ever, divided my vote to any opposing party. Quite frankly, none of the others hold a candle to Benny (oops! I used his name). But If he (for example) railroads a permitting committee into making a decision, without letting anyone have an opinion and that decision is wrong (and say, I have the protocols to prove it), then I'll let people know. And if it affects me personally, then I'll scream blue murder!

Where is the city's opposition? What is it that they actually do besides making a few squeals around election time and then disappearing only to reappear the next election? Where were they when the manager of the city's collection department (who was obviously doing too good a job) had his position politically terminated?
The city cuts budgets for school cleaning, and the opposition doesnt even attend the deciding meeting...etc etc

Should no one talk about this?

Of course, there is a heck of a lot more better things that are happening. The flowers are blooming, the Gilgal is renting and alls well with the world

No, I say that it is really unhealthy and more than a bit paranoid, to avoid criticising because someone out there in cyberspace might be waiting to pounce on the chance to .... what exactly?


  1. Right on!
    Although I can't totally agree about what you said about the opposition - but I'm not about to get into that here and now.

  2. And all these years you weren't blogging, nobody ever acted against MA.

    If "A Soldier's Mother" (and her Persona) truly wish to help MA, every time she hears about municipal corruption or malfunction, heaven help us, she could go out and SOLVE the problem, instead of trying to hush it up. That way, MA's enemies would have even less material with which to work.
